§ أبو المر §
بيلساني فعال

- إنضم
- Jun 28, 2008
- المشاركات
- 110
- مستوى التفاعل
- 87
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- مع احلى قمر بلبلد

Omar Khairat - Full Discography - 13 Full Albums
Ripped @ 192 Kbps + CD Covers
Omar Khairat was born in Cairo and belongs to an artistic family. His uncle Abu Bakr Khairat, a music composer, was the founder of of the Music Academy and was its first Dean. In 1959, Omar joined the Academy and studied the piano and musical theory. After graduating, he continued his studies at Trinity College in London. In parallel, he became involved with international popular music and jazz and played the drums for one of the top bands in Cairo, "Le Petit Chats". This experience added another dimension to his musical influences. His career as a pianist began in 1979, when his various works started to gain recognition from both listeners and critics. His first major work was the music score for the very popular film The Night of Fatma's Arrest. His music score was a hit and was widely applauded by the public. It was the first time in Egypt for a film score to be released on audio cassette, and became a milestone in the music industry in the Middle East in that particular field. He went onto compose the music score for the famous television drama, Bangles. In his work, he introduced a Western harmonic flair to the classic music structure. It was an experience for him and was acclaimed by the critics. Other compositions include the music for two ballets: The Sorceress and the Magical Perfumes, and the Nile Ballet, and the music for two operettas, A 100 Years of Cinema and Al Amrana Hill. All of these were followed by his symphonic work, Arabian Raphsody. His most famous film scores include: Aam Ahmed's Case, The Terrorist, Slumber in the Honey, Tutankhamon, The Forbidden Time, A Date with Fate, Love Also Dies, Executing the Dead, The Sixth Day, Hell Under Water and The Vision.
1.Damir Abla Hikmat
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2.Am Ahmed
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3. El Leqa2 El Thani
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4. Arabian Rhaspody
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8. Emr2a 3asrya
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9. El 3arafa Wal 3toor El Sa7ara
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10. El Ro2ya
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11. Cleopatra's Chillout
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12. Wahabyat
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13. Wahabyat Gdeda
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Ripped @ 192 Kbps + CD Covers

Omar Khairat was born in Cairo and belongs to an artistic family. His uncle Abu Bakr Khairat, a music composer, was the founder of of the Music Academy and was its first Dean. In 1959, Omar joined the Academy and studied the piano and musical theory. After graduating, he continued his studies at Trinity College in London. In parallel, he became involved with international popular music and jazz and played the drums for one of the top bands in Cairo, "Le Petit Chats". This experience added another dimension to his musical influences. His career as a pianist began in 1979, when his various works started to gain recognition from both listeners and critics. His first major work was the music score for the very popular film The Night of Fatma's Arrest. His music score was a hit and was widely applauded by the public. It was the first time in Egypt for a film score to be released on audio cassette, and became a milestone in the music industry in the Middle East in that particular field. He went onto compose the music score for the famous television drama, Bangles. In his work, he introduced a Western harmonic flair to the classic music structure. It was an experience for him and was acclaimed by the critics. Other compositions include the music for two ballets: The Sorceress and the Magical Perfumes, and the Nile Ballet, and the music for two operettas, A 100 Years of Cinema and Al Amrana Hill. All of these were followed by his symphonic work, Arabian Raphsody. His most famous film scores include: Aam Ahmed's Case, The Terrorist, Slumber in the Honey, Tutankhamon, The Forbidden Time, A Date with Fate, Love Also Dies, Executing the Dead, The Sixth Day, Hell Under Water and The Vision.
ولد عمر إبراهيم خيرت في 11 نوفمبر عام 1948 م. في القاهرة لأسرة مثقفة محبة للفنون, أهدت من قبل لمصر و العالم الموسيقار أبو بكر خيرت (المهندس المعماري الأشهر و مؤسس الكونسرفتوار المصري و قد اثرى المكتبة الموسيقية المصرية بأعمال سيمفونية رائعة), و اكتملت إثمارها بعمر خيرت الذي اكمل درب عمه الموسيقار أبو بكر خيرت, و عشق البيانو الذي اكتشف معه مناطق موسيقية جديدة في احساس و ذكريات و قوة الشخصية المصرية.
دراسته و بدايته
بدأت علاقة عمر خيرت بالبيانو بالكونسرفتوار في دفعته الأولى عام 1959 حيث درس العزف على البيانو على يد البروفيسور الأيطالي "كارو" إلى جانب دراسته للنظريات الموسيقية. انتقل بعدها لدراسة التاليف الموسيقي مع كلية ترينتي بلندن إلى ان اكمل ملامح شخصيته الموسيقية المستقلة كمؤلف محترف يصوغ رؤاه الموسيقية الخاصة بجمل موسيقية مميزة تتسم بالعمق و الثراء و التدفق. و انضم عمر خيرت قديما في بداياته لفرقة " لى بتى شاه " كعازف درامز التي كان لها آثر واضح في مؤلفاته مثل " الخادمة " و " رابسودية عربية " و غيرها. و أطل عمر خيرت على الجمهور لأول مرة مع الموسيقى التصويرية لفيلم (ليلة الفبض على فاطمة - 1983).
دراسته و بدايته
بدأت علاقة عمر خيرت بالبيانو بالكونسرفتوار في دفعته الأولى عام 1959 حيث درس العزف على البيانو على يد البروفيسور الأيطالي "كارو" إلى جانب دراسته للنظريات الموسيقية. انتقل بعدها لدراسة التاليف الموسيقي مع كلية ترينتي بلندن إلى ان اكمل ملامح شخصيته الموسيقية المستقلة كمؤلف محترف يصوغ رؤاه الموسيقية الخاصة بجمل موسيقية مميزة تتسم بالعمق و الثراء و التدفق. و انضم عمر خيرت قديما في بداياته لفرقة " لى بتى شاه " كعازف درامز التي كان لها آثر واضح في مؤلفاته مثل " الخادمة " و " رابسودية عربية " و غيرها. و أطل عمر خيرت على الجمهور لأول مرة مع الموسيقى التصويرية لفيلم (ليلة الفبض على فاطمة - 1983).
1.Damir Abla Hikmat

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2.Am Ahmed

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3. El Leqa2 El Thani

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4. Arabian Rhaspody

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8. Emr2a 3asrya

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9. El 3arafa Wal 3toor El Sa7ara

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10. El Ro2ya

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11. Cleopatra's Chillout

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12. Wahabyat

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13. Wahabyat Gdeda

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