عملاق التصفح يعود باصدار جديد بتاريخ اليوم بمميزات رهيبة Mozilla Firefox 3.0.7

§ أبو المر §

بيلساني فعال

Jun 28, 2008
مستوى التفاعل
مع احلى قمر بلبلد

حصرى برنامج

Mozilla Firefox 3.0.7


بمميزات فريدة واصدار جديد جدا بتاريخ اليوم

تعريف البرنامج

Firefox 3.0 is the fastest browser on the estimated javascript SunSpider. In general, Firefox is the second most popular in the world and first among the free software, which has made such popularity. In 2008, the percentage of Firefox browsers in the European market reached nearly 30 per cent. As researchers have found, on weekends Firefox share climbs above 30 percent. In Mozilla Firefox 3 introduced the use of graphics library Cairo. Support test Acid2. The protection of sites, finding viruses, trojans, spyware, etc. a separate database and settings. The new manager of downloads and improvements in the manager plugins. Podcasts and videokasty may be associated with Media Player. Different themes for different platforms, with improved integration of the system. Improved search sites. Increased speed and reduced memory usage. Improvements in the dialog box on the site.

Fast, functional, perfectly scalable browser-based engine Mozilla. Firefox supports tabs - you can open multiple pages in one You can also download the links in the background without leaving the page on which you are now. Excellent Web browser supports Web standaty has convenient interface, built protection against pop-ups, an integrated search bar that is convenient to work with bookmarks, has a convenient cookie'sov manager and password manager, you can fine-tune blocking javascript. Once the next hole in Internet Explorer, you will not have to pump tons of updates, Firefox is using a much more reliable and secure dvizhek Mozilla. For the paranoid have an opportunity to clear the entire content of confidential information with a single click. The functionality of the browser can greatly expand with the help of supplements in the form of plug-ins and other extensions.

The new version of the browser is available in 48 s. According to the results of many test Firefox 3 in two - three times faster than its predecessor and has more than 15 thousand large and small improvements. Just look at the major changes. The new browser has a whole new line of input addresses, which were introduced revolutionary changes. In Firefox 3 has full protection from malicious sites. The system works with bookmarks completely redesigned and is now responsible for all, even the most sophisticated user requirements.

Main features:
»Pop-up Blocker
»Support for tabs (multiple pages in one window)
»Built-in search bar search engines and dictionaries
»Live Bookmarks - RSS-mechanism integration flows
»Ample opportunities for setting up of behavior and appearance
»Support for multiple extensions
»Embedded Tools for a Web Developer
»Automatic Update as the browser and its extensions (version 1.5)
»Display content immediately
»Safe storage of passwords for websites by the ability to ask« master password », which encrypts all the rest

New features:
»Add a bookmark with one click
»Password Manager
»Improved productivity
»Instant Web Site ID
»Full Zoom
»Appearance and integration with the native platform
»Smart panel addresses
»And many other possibilities

Title: Mozilla Firefox 3.0.7
Developer: Mozilla
Year: 2009
File Size: 7.17 MB
: English
Platform / OS: Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Win7


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