The squeegeed middle... is that Ed Milibands cleaner washing his car?

The Hero


Jun 29, 2008
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The squeegeed middle... is that Ed Milibands cleaner washing his car?
The squeegeed middle... is that Ed Milibands cleaner washing his car?

Ed Miliband has often claimed that he is the man to clean up politics. But when it comes to cleaning his own car, it seems the Labour leader prefers to get someone else to do the dirty work.
Outside his North London home, there was no sign of Mr Miliband as a female employee was tasked with applying the elbow grease to the family Ford Focus.
The blonde cleaner painstakingly washed the grime off the metallic blue hatchback in the autumn sunshine last week, paying special attention to the wing mirrors and headlamps.


Dab hand with a squeegee: The blonde cleaner, who spoke with a strong East European accent, applies the elbow grease to Ed Miliband's car

The man who claimed he could rescue Britains squeezed middle has clearly hired a cleaner who is a dab hand with a squeegee.
The unidentified woman, who spoke with a strong East European accent, carefully lifted the wipers to make sure the Labour leader had perfect vision through his windscreen at least.

The pictures emerged after Mr Miliband told the Labour conference he would be the man to back the grafters who work hard for a living.
Yesterday, Labour did its best to pour a bucket of cold water over the revelations about his female car cleaner. On Friday morning Mr Milibands spokesman had said: Ill ask him in the morning.


Grafter: The cleaner, who hasn't yet been been identified, paid special attention to the wing mirrors and headlamps

Yesterday morning, Labour insisted on asking for a copy of the photograph before they would comment.
But despite being supplied with the photograph, Mr Mil¬ibands spokesman remained tight-lipped.
Asked why the Labour leader relied on a woman cleaner to spruce up his car, the spokesman said: No comment. However, Tory MP Rob Wilson mocked Mr Miliband, saying: I suppose this is what he meant last week when he spoke about giving women top jobs in the Labour Party.
Mr Miliband married his long-term partner Justine Thornton earlier this year.


Not getting dirty: Mr Miliband, seen loading his car in August, clearly feels cleaning it is a job beneath him
