Just in time

Love Seeker

بيلساني نشيط

Dec 6, 2008
مستوى التفاعل
When my thoughts run away they run right back to you
Even though it's useless my heart tells my mind what to do
Hard as my mind fights I can't seem to win the battle
You are all I see when my thoughts run away only you matter
My thoughts ran away many years ago you see
Never have they changed for it's always you and me
Sweet words of love, a tender touch and loving smile
Caresses so tender for you I would walk the extra mile
Two lonely souls searching for some comfort and love
We came upon each other in the whispers of the wind
Two of a kind you and I but we never seem to win in love
Something stands between us but still my thoughts run
Always back to you Sweetheart no matter the circumstances
I guess my heart won't listen to my mind when it comes to romances
But when the day comes when my thoughts no longer run your way
My love for you will be engraved in stone and forever it will stay